What is ColBuilder?

ColBuilder is a web resource designed to generate type I collagen fibril models. ColBuilder allows to build full-atom models (structure and topology) of crosslinked collagen fibrils by integrating the low-resolution X-ray fiber diffraction with high-resolution X-ray crystallography and mass spectrometry data.

How to Submit Jobs

Prior to submitting jobs to the server, users should create an account on the Register page.

After (automatic) approval of the registration, users can:

  • Log in to their account
  • Select from 20 different species
  • Choose from eight different crosslink types
  • Configure crosslink composition

Each submitted job can be accessed in the account page. Results and logfiles are stored on the server for 14 consecutive days.

Form Parameters Guide

Triple Helix Configuration

Generate Custom Triple Helix

Enable this option to create a custom triple helix structure instead of using our predefined template: type I collagen from Rattus novergicus.

Species Selection

Choose from 20 different species or provide your own FASTA sequence. This selection determines the amino acid sequence used for structure generation.

FASTA Sequences

Input area for custom FASTA sequences if not using a predefined species. Sequences should follow standard FASTA format with proper headers and sequence data as per example pre-loaded in the field.

Molecular Crosslinks

Enable this option to add molecular crosslinks to your structure. Available crosslink types and positions depend on the selected species.

Fibril Architecture

Generate Custom Fibril Geometry

Enable this option to customize the geometric parameters of your fibril structure.

PDB Structure File

Upload a PDB format file containing the triple helix structure. Required if skipping the sequence generation step. The file should follow standard PDB format specifications and contain the following unit cell information as its first line:

CRYST1 39.970 26.950 677.900 89.24 94.59 105.58 P 1 2

Contact Distance

Determines the size of the generated fibril structure by controlling how many unit cells are included from the crystal lattice. Valid range: 15-160 Å. A larger contact distance results in a larger fibril radius, as shown in the relationship plot.

Fibril Length

Define the length of the fibril in nanometers. Valid range: 10-334 nm. This parameter determines the overall size of your fibril model.

Mix Fibrils with Different Crosslinking Patterns

Enable this option to combine fibrils with different crosslinking patterns in your model. Requires the user to already provide PDB files for two fibrils, which can be generated in the previous steps in independent runs.

First Fibril Configuration

  • PDB File: Upload the PDB file for the first fibril type
  • Percentage: Specify the percentage (0-100%) of this fibril type in the mixture
  • Crosslink Type: Select the crosslinking pattern (D: Divalent, T: Trivalent, DT: Divalent-Trivalent Mixture)

Second Fibril Configuration

  • PDB File: Upload the PDB file for the second fibril type
  • Percentage: Automatically calculated based on the first fibril percentage
  • Crosslink Type: Select the crosslinking pattern for the second fibril
Collagen Crosslink Types
Different crosslink types observed in native collagen type I.

Molecular Dynamics Configuration

Generate Simulation Topology Files

Enable this option to generate GROMACS topology files for molecular dynamics simulation. This requires a completed fibril structure from previous steps.

Force Field Selection

Choose the force field for molecular dynamics simulation:

  • AMBER99SB-ILDN: Current standard force field for protein simulations
  • Martini 3: Coarse-grained force field (Coming Soon)

Additional Documentation

The full documentation can be found on the official GitHub page of ColBuilder: https://github.com/graeter-group/colbuilder/tree/main/docs

Contact Information

ColBuilder is developed and maintained by the Graeter Group at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research.

For technical issues, bug reports, or feature requests, please submit an issue on our GitHub Issues page or email Dr. Debora Monego.

We also welcome inquiries about collaborations and scientific questions!